
1. 红黑树理解和推导详见

2. C语言代码


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef enum Side{//用于标示当前的镜像模式,避免重复写镜像的代码
    kLeft = 0,
    kRight = 1,

typedef enum Color{
    kRed = 0,
    kBlack = 1,

typedef struct TreeNode{
    int key;
    Color color;
    struct TreeNode *pFather;
    struct TreeNode *pChilds[2];

TreeNode* GetANewTreeNode(const int kKey,const Color kColor){
    TreeNode *pNewNode = calloc(1,sizeof(TreeNode));
    pNewNode->key = kKey;
    pNewNode->color = kColor;
    pNewNode->pFather = NULL;
    pNewNode->pChilds[kLeft] = NULL;
    pNewNode->pChilds[kRight] = NULL;
    return pNewNode;

int FreeTreeNode(TreeNode **kppNode){
    free((TreeNode*) *kppNode);
    *kppNode = NULL;

TreeNode* SearchTreeByKey(const int kKey,const TreeNode *kpTreeRoot){
    TreeNode *pSearchingNode = (TreeNode*)kpTreeRoot;
    while(pSearchingNode != NULL){
        if(pSearchingNode->key == kKey){//Have found it!
            return pSearchingNode;
        if(pSearchingNode->key > kKey){
            pSearchingNode = pSearchingNode->pChilds[kLeft];
            pSearchingNode = pSearchingNode->pChilds[kRight];
    return NULL;

int Max(const int a,const int b){
    if(a >= b){
        return a;
        return b;

int Power(const int a,const int p){
    int result = 1;
    for(int i = 0;i < p;i++){
        result *= a;
    return result;

int TreeDepth(const TreeNode* root){
    if(root == NULL){
        return 0;
    return Max(TreeDepth(root->pChilds[kLeft]),TreeDepth(root->pChilds[kRight])) + 1;

void PrintTree(const TreeNode* root){
    const int queueSize = 10000;
    TreeNode* pNodesQueue[queueSize];
    int nodesRow[queueSize];
    int queueStart = 0;
    int queueEnd = 0;
    TreeNode* pReadingNode = (TreeNode*)root;
    int readingNodeRow = 1;
    int lastRow = 0;
    int lastCol = 0;
    if(pReadingNode != NULL){
        pNodesQueue[queueEnd] = pReadingNode;
        nodesRow[queueEnd] = 1;
        queueEnd = (queueEnd + 1) % queueSize;
    int maxDepth = TreeDepth(root);
    while(queueStart != queueEnd){
        pReadingNode = pNodesQueue[queueStart];
        readingNodeRow = nodesRow[queueStart];
        queueStart = (queueStart + 1) % queueSize;
        if(lastRow != readingNodeRow)
            lastCol = 0;
            if(lastRow != 0){
            lastRow = readingNodeRow;
            if(readingNodeRow != maxDepth){
                for(int i = 0;i < Power(2,maxDepth - readingNodeRow - 1) * 3 - 2;i++)
                    printf("   ");
            if(readingNodeRow != maxDepth){
                for(int i = 0;i < Power(2,maxDepth - readingNodeRow) * 3 - 1;i++)
                printf("  ");
                for(int i = 0;i < 2;i++)
                printf("  ");
        if(pReadingNode != NULL){
            if(pReadingNode->color == kRed){
            if(readingNodeRow != maxDepth){
                pNodesQueue[queueEnd] = pReadingNode->pChilds[kLeft];
                nodesRow[queueEnd] = readingNodeRow + 1;
                queueEnd = (queueEnd + 1) % queueSize;
                pNodesQueue[queueEnd] = pReadingNode->pChilds[kRight];
                nodesRow[queueEnd] = readingNodeRow + 1;
                queueEnd = (queueEnd + 1) % queueSize;
            printf(" n ");
            if(readingNodeRow != maxDepth){
                pNodesQueue[queueEnd] = NULL;
                nodesRow[queueEnd] = readingNodeRow + 1;
                queueEnd = (queueEnd + 1) % queueSize;
                pNodesQueue[queueEnd] = NULL;
                nodesRow[queueEnd] = readingNodeRow + 1;
                queueEnd = (queueEnd + 1) % queueSize;

Side SideAsChild(const TreeNode *pAimNode){
    if(pAimNode == NULL){
        printf("ERROR:No Node Set\n");
        return 0;
    if(pAimNode->pFather == NULL){
        printf("ERROR:Has no father\n");
        return 0;
    if(pAimNode == pAimNode->pFather->pChilds[kLeft]){
        return kLeft;
        return kRight;

Side OtherSide(const Side kASide){
    if(kASide == kLeft){
        return kRight;
        return kLeft;

Color OtherColor(const Color kAColor){
    if(kAColor == kRed){
        return kBlack;
        return kRed;

TreeNode* GetUncleNode(const TreeNode *pAimNode){
    if(pAimNode == NULL){
        return NULL;
    if(pAimNode->pFather == NULL){
        return NULL;
    if(pAimNode->pFather->pFather == NULL){
        return NULL;
    //Get the child of grandpa other than father,including NULL
    return pAimNode->pFather->pFather->pChilds[OtherSide(SideAsChild(pAimNode->pFather))];

TreeNode* GetBrotherNode(const TreeNode *pAimNode){
    if(pAimNode == NULL){
        return NULL;
    if(pAimNode->pFather == NULL){
        return NULL;
    return pAimNode->pFather->pChilds[OtherSide(SideAsChild(pAimNode))];

int RotateTreeNode(const TreeNode *kpRotateNode,const Side kRotateSide,TreeNode **ppTreeRoot){
    TreeNode* pRotateNode = (TreeNode*)kpRotateNode;
    if(pRotateNode == NULL || pRotateNode->pFather == NULL){
        printf("ERROR:Can not rotate %d\n",pRotateNode->key);
        return -1;
    //Record old structure
    TreeNode* pOldGrandpaNode = pRotateNode->pFather->pFather;
    TreeNode* pOldFatherNode = pRotateNode->pFather;
    TreeNode* pMidChild = pRotateNode->pChilds[kRotateSide];
    Side oldFatherSide = 0;
    if(pOldGrandpaNode != NULL){
        oldFatherSide= SideAsChild(pOldFatherNode);
    //Exchange aim's father and his father's father
    pRotateNode->pFather = pOldGrandpaNode;
    pOldFatherNode->pFather = pRotateNode;
    pRotateNode->pChilds[kRotateSide] = pOldFatherNode;
    if(pOldGrandpaNode != NULL){
        pOldGrandpaNode->pChilds[oldFatherSide] = pRotateNode;
    }else{//which means his father is the root
        if(pOldFatherNode == *ppTreeRoot){
            *ppTreeRoot = pRotateNode;
            printf("ERROR:Rotate %d\n",pRotateNode->key);
    //Change the rotate-side child's father
    pOldFatherNode->pChilds[OtherSide(kRotateSide)] = pMidChild;
    if(pMidChild != NULL){
        pMidChild->pFather = pOldFatherNode;

int BalanceHeavyNode(const TreeNode *kpStartNode,TreeNode **ppTreeRoot){

    TreeNode *pCurrentAdjustingNode = (TreeNode *)kpStartNode;
    while(1){//May need to adjust more than one time
        if(pCurrentAdjustingNode == NULL){
        printf("ERROR:Nothing to adjust\n");
        return 0;

        if(pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather == NULL){
            printf("Set %d as root and color it black\n",pCurrentAdjustingNode->key);
            pCurrentAdjustingNode->color = kBlack;
            *ppTreeRoot = pCurrentAdjustingNode;
            return 1;

        if(pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather->color == kBlack){
            printf("No need to adjust %d for its father black\n",pCurrentAdjustingNode->key);
            return 1;
        TreeNode* pCurrentUncle = GetUncleNode(pCurrentAdjustingNode);
        Side currentSide = SideAsChild(pCurrentAdjustingNode);
        Side currentFatherSide = SideAsChild(pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather);
        if(currentSide != currentFatherSide){
            printf("Have not the same side with father,so rotate %d to side %d\n",pCurrentAdjustingNode->key,currentFatherSide);
            //Continue to adjust its father where is now as its child
            pCurrentAdjustingNode = pCurrentAdjustingNode->pChilds[currentFatherSide];
        if(pCurrentUncle == NULL || pCurrentUncle->color == kBlack){
            TreeNode* pOldFather = pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather;
            TreeNode* pOldGrandpa = pOldFather->pFather;
            printf("Adjust balance by father,so rotate %d to side %d\n",
            printf("Change color of %d and %d\n",pOldFather->key,pOldGrandpa->key);
            pOldFather->color = OtherColor(pOldFather->color);
            pOldGrandpa->color = OtherColor(pOldGrandpa->color);
            return 1;
        //pCurrentUncle != NULL && pCurrentUncle->color != Black
        //Change current father and uncle color to be black,and change grandpa color to be red
        printf("Reverse color of %d,%d and %d\n",
        pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather->color = kBlack;
        pCurrentUncle->color = kBlack;
        pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather->pFather->color = kRed;
        //Continue to adjust its grandpa
        pCurrentAdjustingNode = pCurrentAdjustingNode->pFather->pFather;
    return -1;

int InsertKeyToRedBlackTree(const int kKey,TreeNode **ppTreeRoot){
    TreeNode *pSearchingNode = *ppTreeRoot;
    printf("Try to insert %d\n",kKey);
    if(pSearchingNode == NULL){
        *ppTreeRoot = GetANewTreeNode(kKey,kBlack);
        return 0;
        if(pSearchingNode->key == kKey){//The tree already has the key
            return 0;
        //Get side
        Side childSide = 0;
        if(pSearchingNode->key < kKey){
            childSide = kRight;
            childSide = kLeft;
        if(pSearchingNode->pChilds[childSide] == NULL){//Insert as child
            pSearchingNode->pChilds[childSide] = GetANewTreeNode(kKey,kRed);
            pSearchingNode->pChilds[childSide]->pFather = pSearchingNode;
            pSearchingNode = pSearchingNode->pChilds[childSide];
        }else{//Search deeper
            pSearchingNode = pSearchingNode->pChilds[childSide];
    printf("Start to adjust %d\n",kKey);
    printf("After adjust\n");
    return 1;

int BalanceLightNode(const TreeNode* kpAimNode,TreeNode **ppTreeRoot){//Without change the aiming node
    TreeNode* pCurrentAimNode = (TreeNode*) kpAimNode;
    printf("Try balance light node %d\n",kpAimNode->key);
        //To protect error
        if(pCurrentAimNode == NULL){
            printf("ERROR:kpAimNode == NULL\n");
            return -1;
        if(pCurrentAimNode->color == kRed){
            printf("(s0)Set current node %d to black\n",pCurrentAimNode->key);
            pCurrentAimNode->color = kBlack;
            return -1;

        TreeNode* pAimInitFather = pCurrentAimNode->pFather;
        if(pAimInitFather == NULL){
            printf("(s1)pCurrentAimNode is root,no need to balance\n");
            return 1;
        Side aimSide = SideAsChild(pCurrentAimNode);
        TreeNode* pAimInitBrother = GetBrotherNode(pCurrentAimNode);
        if(pAimInitBrother == NULL){
            printf("ERROR:GetBrotherNode(pCurrentAimNode) == NULL\n");
            return -1;

        TreeNode* pAimInitBrotherChilds[2];
        pAimInitBrotherChilds[kLeft] = pAimInitBrother->pChilds[kLeft];
        pAimInitBrotherChilds[kRight] = pAimInitBrother->pChilds[kRight];

        if(pAimInitFather->color == kBlack
           && pAimInitBrother->color == kBlack
           && (pAimInitBrotherChilds[kLeft] == NULL || pAimInitBrotherChilds[kLeft]->color == kBlack)
           && (pAimInitBrotherChilds[kRight] == NULL || pAimInitBrotherChilds[kRight]->color == kBlack)
            printf("(s2)Set color of %d red\n",pAimInitBrother->key);
            pAimInitBrother->color = kRed;
            pCurrentAimNode = pAimInitFather;
        if(pAimInitFather->color == kRed
           && pAimInitBrother->color == kBlack
           && (pAimInitBrotherChilds[kLeft] == NULL || pAimInitBrotherChilds[kLeft]->color == kBlack)
           && (pAimInitBrotherChilds[kRight] == NULL || pAimInitBrotherChilds[kRight]->color == kBlack)
            printf("(s3)Exchange color of %d and %d\n",pAimInitBrother->key,pAimInitFather->key);
            pAimInitBrother->color = kRed;
            pAimInitFather->color = kBlack;
            return 1;
        if(pAimInitFather->color == kBlack
           && pAimInitBrother->color == kRed
            printf("(s4)Rotate %d to side %d\n",pAimInitBrother->key,OtherSide(aimSide));
            printf("(s4)Set %d color black\n",pAimInitBrother->key);
            printf("(s4)Set %d color red\n",pAimInitFather->key);
            pAimInitBrother->color = kBlack;
            pAimInitFather->color = kRed;
        if(pAimInitBrotherChilds[aimSide] != NULL
           && pAimInitBrotherChilds[aimSide]->color ==kRed
           && (pAimInitBrotherChilds[OtherSide(aimSide)] == NULL || pAimInitBrotherChilds[OtherSide(aimSide)]->color == kBlack)
            printf("(s5)Rotate %d to side %d\n",pAimInitBrotherChilds[aimSide]->key,OtherSide(aimSide));
            printf("(s5)Rotate %d to side %d\n",pAimInitBrotherChilds[aimSide]->key,aimSide);
            printf("(s5)Set %d color black\n",pAimInitBrotherChilds[aimSide]->key);
            pAimInitBrotherChilds[aimSide]->color = kBlack;
            if(pAimInitFather->color == kRed){
                printf("(s5)Set %d color black\n",pAimInitFather->key);
                pAimInitFather->color = kBlack;
            return 1;
        if(pAimInitBrotherChilds[OtherSide(aimSide)] != NULL
           && pAimInitBrotherChilds[OtherSide(aimSide)]->color == kRed
            printf("(s6)Rotate %d to side %d\n",pAimInitBrother->key,aimSide);
            printf("(s6)Set %d color black\n",pAimInitBrotherChilds[OtherSide(aimSide)]->key);
            pAimInitBrotherChilds[OtherSide(aimSide)]->color = kBlack;
            if(pAimInitFather->color == kRed){
                printf("(s6)Set %d color black\n",pAimInitFather->key);
                pAimInitFather->color = kBlack;
                printf("(s6)Set %d color red\n",pAimInitBrother->key);
                pAimInitBrother->color = kRed;
            return 1;
        //ERROR Situation
        printf("ERROR:Other situation\n");
        return -1;

int DeleteKeyFromRedBlackTree(const int kKey,TreeNode **ppTreeRoot){
    printf("Try to delete %d\n",kKey);
    TreeNode *aimNode = SearchTreeByKey(kKey,*ppTreeRoot);
    if(aimNode == NULL){
        printf("Can not find %d to delete\n",kKey);
        return -1;
    //Decide to choose from successor or predecessor
    Side sideMode = 0;
    if(aimNode->pChilds[kRight] != NULL){
        sideMode = kRight;
        sideMode = kLeft;
    //To find the replacing node to be aimNode
    TreeNode *replacementNode = aimNode->pChilds[sideMode];
    while(replacementNode->pChilds[OtherSide(sideMode)] != NULL){
        replacementNode = replacementNode->pChilds[OtherSide(sideMode)];
    //transfer the content without color from replacementNode to aimNode
    printf("Found %d to replace %d\n",replacementNode->key,aimNode->key);
    aimNode->key = replacementNode->key;
    aimNode = replacementNode;
    int isRoot = 0;
    int needLaterDeletion = 0;
    TreeNode *toBalanceNode = NULL;
    if(aimNode->pChilds[sideMode] != NULL){
        toBalanceNode = aimNode->pChilds[sideMode];
        aimNode->pChilds[sideMode]->pFather = aimNode->pFather;
        if(aimNode->pFather != NULL){
            aimNode->pFather->pChilds[OtherSide(sideMode)] = aimNode->pChilds[sideMode];
            isRoot = 1;
        needLaterDeletion = 1;
        toBalanceNode = aimNode;
            aimNode->pFather->pChilds[SideAsChild(aimNode)] = NULL;
    printf("After delete %d:\n",kKey);
    return 0;

int main(){
    TreeNode *root = NULL;
    return 0;

3. 测试运行结果

Try to insert 15
Try to insert 10
10R     n 
Start to adjust 10
No need to adjust 10 for its father black
After adjust
10R     n 
Try to insert 20
10R    20R
Start to adjust 20
No need to adjust 20 for its father black
After adjust
10R    20R
Try to insert 30
   10R          20R
 n      n      n     30R
Start to adjust 30
Reverse color of 20,10 and 15
Set 15 as root and color it black
After adjust
   10B          20B
 n      n      n     30R
Try to insert 40
            10B                      20B
    n            n            n           30R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n     40R
Start to adjust 40
Adjust balance by father,so rotate 30 to side 0
   10B          30R
 n      n     20B    40R
Change color of 30 and 20
After adjust
   10B          30B
 n      n     20R    40R
Try to insert 50
            10B                      30B
    n            n           20R          40R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n     50R
Start to adjust 50
Reverse color of 40,20 and 30
No need to adjust 30 for its father black
After adjust
            10B                      30R
    n            n           20B          40B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n     50R
Try to insert 60
                              10B                                              30R
             n                        n                       20B                      40B
    n            n            n            n            n            n            n           50R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R
Start to adjust 60
Adjust balance by father,so rotate 50 to side 0
            10B                      30R
    n            n           20B          50R
 n      n      n      n      n      n     40B    60R
Change color of 50 and 40
After adjust
            10B                      30R
    n            n           20B          50B
 n      n      n      n      n      n     40R    60R
Try to insert 80
                              10B                                              30R
             n                        n                       20B                      50B
    n            n            n            n            n            n           40R          60R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     80R
Start to adjust 80
Reverse color of 60,40 and 50
Adjust balance by father,so rotate 30 to side 0
            15B                      50R
   10B          20B          40B          60B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n     80R
Change color of 30 and 15
After adjust
            15R                      50R
   10B          20B          40B          60B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n     80R
Try to insert 35
            15R                      50R
   10B          20B          40B          60B
 n      n      n      n     35R     n      n     80R
Start to adjust 35
No need to adjust 35 for its father black
After adjust
            15R                      50R
   10B          20B          40B          60B
 n      n      n      n     35R     n      n     80R
Try to insert 66
                              15R                                              50R
            10B                      20B                      40B                      60B
    n            n            n            n           35R           n            n           80R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     66R     n 
Start to adjust 66
Have not the same side with father,so rotate 66 to side 1
                              15R                                              50R
            10B                      20B                      40B                      60B
    n            n            n            n           35R           n            n           66R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     80R
Adjust balance by father,so rotate 66 to side 0
            15R                      50R
   10B          20B          40B          66R
 n      n      n      n     35R     n     60B    80R
Change color of 66 and 60
After adjust
            15R                      50R
   10B          20B          40B          66B
 n      n      n      n     35R     n     60R    80R
Try to insert 65
                              15R                                              50R
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66B
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           60R          80R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     65R     n      n 
Start to adjust 65
Have not the same side with father,so rotate 65 to side 0
                              15R                                              50R
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66B
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           65R          80R
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n      n      n 
Reverse color of 65,80 and 66
Reverse color of 50,15 and 30
Set 30 as root and color it black
After adjust
                              15B                                              50B
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66R
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           65B          80B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n      n      n 
Try to insert 88
                              15B                                              50B
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66R
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           65B          80B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n      n     88R
Start to adjust 88
No need to adjust 88 for its father black
After adjust
                              15B                                              50B
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66R
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           65B          80B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n      n     88R
Try to insert 77
                              15B                                              50B
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66R
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           65B          80B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n     77R    88R
Start to adjust 77
No need to adjust 77 for its father black
After adjust
                              15B                                              50B
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66R
    n            n            n            n           35R           n           65B          80B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n     77R    88R
Try to delete 30
Found 35 to replace 30
Try balance light node 35
(s0)Set current node 35 to black
After delete 30:
                              15B                                              50B
            10B                      20B                      40B                      66R
    n            n            n            n            n            n           65B          80B
 n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n      n     60R     n     77R    88R
